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With 3 billion monthly active users in the second quarter of 2023, Facebook remains the largest social media platform in the world. But what do we really know about the people who make up this huge user base? How deep is your Facebook demographic knowledge?
Understanding Facebook user demographics is key to developing a successful marketing strategy on the platform. With that in mind, let’s dive into some of the key demographic information you need to know this year.
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27 Facebook User Demographics You Need to Know in 2024
Here's a look at the key Facebook demographics that matter to marketers this year.
Facebook demographics by geography
Tap into Facebook's target demographic across the globe.
1. Facebook is one of the most downloaded apps worldwide
Facebook maintains its position as one of the most popular app publishers and consistently ranks among the top downloads every month. In fact, Facebook Messenger and Facebook in the Google Play Store are often among the most downloaded apps worldwide.
2. Facebook is the most used platform in the United States
Facebook accounts for approximately 50% of all social media page visits in the United States, making it by far the most used platform. Instagram and Pinterest are in second and third place.
3. More than 77% of the UK population uses Facebook
Over 77% of the entire UK population are active Facebook users. Of the estimated total UK population of 67.33 million, around 52 million people use Facebook – that's around 77.23% of the total UK population.
4. India has the highest concentration of Facebook users
With nearly 315 million users, India has the largest Facebook audience of any country in the world. If India's Facebook audience were a country, it would rank third in the world in terms of population. Other top markets for Facebook use include the USA, Indonesia and Brazil.
5. Facebook earns $56.11 per user in North America
In 2023, Facebook's average revenue per user (ARPU) in the US and Canadian markets is $56.11. This is in stark contrast to the Asia Pacific region, where Facebook's ARPU is just $5.12.
6. The majority of Meta's advertising revenue comes from the US and Canada
According to Meta's own data, almost 50% of its advertising revenue comes from the US and Canada, despite only making up about 23% of its total user base.
Source: Meta
7. 71.43% of internet users in the US use Facebook regularly
An estimated 71.43% of internet users in the US use Facebook regularly. This is a significant percentage and shows the continued popularity and reach of the platform. By 2027, this number is expected to rise to around 75%.
If your Facebook audience demographics fit this niche, you'll be tapping into a highly engaged audience.
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8. The most popular US Facebook pages are LADBible and UNILAD
Among the top 20 pages on Facebook, LADBible and UNILAD were the most popular, with 140.4 million and 123.5 million content viewers, respectively.
The top 20 sites combined accounted for 0.9% of all US content views in the second and third quarters of 2023.
Age demographics on Facebook
Here's a quick breakdown of Facebook demographics by age.
9. Facebook is the least popular platform for Generation Z and Millennials in the US
Despite its overall popularity in the United States, Facebook is actually one of the least preferred platforms among Generation Z and Millennials. These users tend to prefer platforms like TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube.
10. 3 in 10 US adults get their news on Facebook
Facebook continues to be an important source of news for many Americans. Three in 10 U.S. adults say they regularly get their news from the platform. That's more than any other social media site, with YouTube coming in second at 26%.
In Canada, messaging on Facebook and Instagram is currently banned. This change comes following the passage of Bill C-18, also known as the Online News Act, which took effect in 2023.
11. Most Facebook Messenger users are between 25 and 34 years old
Similar to Facebook's general audience demographics, the largest age group of Messenger users in the US is between 25 and 34 years old, accounting for 23.4% of all users. The second largest age group is 35-44 year olds, who make up 20.8% of Messenger's audience.
12. Teens in low-income households are more likely to use Facebook
Despite a decline in overall teen usage, Facebook remains more popular among teens from households with annual incomes of less than $30,000. 45% of teens in this income bracket say they use Facebook, compared to just 27% of those from households making over $75,000 a year.
Source: Pew Research Center
Gender demographics on Facebook
Understand how Facebook users of all genders interact with the platform.
13. More than 56% of Facebook users are male
According to recent data from Statista, 56.3% of Facebook users identify as male, while 43.7% identify as female. This dataset does not consider non-binary usersbut it still gives us a good general overview of gender distribution on Facebook.
14. Women consume most news on Facebook
62% of women regularly consume news on Facebook, while men prefer platforms like Reddit (67%), X (62%) and YouTube (58%).
15. Men ages 25 to 34 make up the largest Facebook audience
Data shows that men between the ages of 25 and 34 make up the largest Facebook audience, accounting for 17.6% of global users. It's also worth mentioning that men aged 18 to 24 are Facebook's second largest target group.
16. 55% of women in the US use Facebook Messenger
Women make up the majority of Facebook Messenger users in the US and make up 55% of the total user base.
General Facebook demographics
Learn about the who, what, when, where and how of Facebook demographics.
17. Facebook’s daily active users increased 5% in 2023
According to reports from Reuters, Facebook's daily active users (DAUs) increased by 5% in 2023 and reached 2.08 billion by the third quarter of 2023.
18.4 million Facebook posts were liked every minute in 2023
According to Statista, an average of 4 million posts were liked per minute on Facebook in 2023. That's a staggering amount of activity happening on the platform at any given time, and shows the potential for reach and engagement with a well-crafted marketing strategy.
19. drives the majority of Facebook referral traffic
When it comes to referral traffic, is the most important driver for Facebook with 6.75% of all referrals in April 2023. follows closely behind with 4.49% of referrals.
Overall, referral traffic only accounted for less than 2% of total traffic on Facebook.
20. Bullying and harassment on the platform are decreasing
Facebook has removed additional content related to bullying or harassment. In 2023, Facebook's proactive rate on bullying and harassment increased from 65.8% in the second quarter of 2023 to 87.8% in the third quarter.
An estimated 8.3 million pieces of content were removed between July and September 2023, with 87.8% of content found by Facebook itself and 12.2% reported by users.
Source: Meta
21. Facebook Page users prefer image-based posts
When it comes to interacting with posts on Facebook Pages, image-based posts get the highest engagement rates. In fact, in 2023, image posts achieved an engagement rate of 0.12%, compared to just 0.03% for link posts. Overall, the average interaction of Facebook page fans with posts on a page was 0.07%.
22. Most post views come from friendly users, groups and pages
In Q3 2023, 65% of post views on Facebook came from posts shared by friends, groups they belonged to, or pages they followed. 35% of post views came from in-feed recommendations such as ads or suggested content. The remaining 11.3% came from less common sources such as events or logging discrepancies.
Source: Meta
23. Facebook users are likely to use the other apps in Meta's Family
Facebook users love engaging with Meta's other apps:
- 72.2% of Facebook users also use WhatsApp
- 78.1% of Facebook users also use Instagram
Our research also found that Facebook users are also least likely to use TikTok and Snapchat, two platforms that generally attract younger audiences.
24. Facebook remains a nonpartisan news channel
According to the Pew Research Center, Facebook is one of the few social media platforms where news consumers are relatively evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. This means that Facebook remains an important source of news for both sides of the political spectrum.
Source: Pew Research Center
25. The Facebook app was downloaded 413 million times in 2022
Although Facebook has been around for over a decade, Facebook's popularity continues to grow and was downloaded 413 million times in 2022. This is a testament to the platform's continued appeal and its ability to adapt and remain relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape.
26. Over 1 billion people use Facebook Marketplace
Goodbye, Craigslist! Hello Facebook Marketplace. Facebook's buy-and-sell element has grown significantly since its launch in 2016 and is now used by over 1 billion people worldwide.
27. Facebook removed 1.3 billion fake accounts by the end of 2022
Facebook regularly removes fake accounts from its platform, with 1.3 billion fake accounts removed in the fourth quarter of 2022 alone. This is a significant decrease from 2019, when a record 2.2 billion fake accounts were removed in the first quarter of the year.
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