Have you ever heard of a cold plunge?

Maybe you’ve seen those viral videos on YouTube. There will be dozens of folks all dressed up on a cold day (usually not dressed up enough for the weather). Then, all together, they jump into an icy lake as part of a local tradition. It’s fun to watch, but would you ever challenge yourself to do one?

Well, I do cold plunges, and they’re incredible! These days, cold plunges can happen right in your home by either filling up your tub with ice or with a specialty ice bath. As the market for ice baths is expanding, so are the known health benefits. It eases sore muscles, helps you focus, can improve sleep, and decreases inflammation, among other things.That doesn’t make it any easier to jump into freezing water.

Now, they say that the hardest thing about cold plunging is not talking about cold plunging. It’s funny because it’s absolutely true. Once you’ve had the opportunity, you just want another opportunity to do it again.

It almost feels like you’re part of a big family. And when you find out other people do cold plunges, you can’t help but feel an instant connection.

But for many people, a cold plunge is kind of like skydiving. It sounds like it could be a fun bucket-list item, but it’s way out of their comfort zone. Just the thought of putting something like that on the schedule makes us sweat a little bit. But here’s a little secret to success—a habit that can transform your life. Even if something makes you sweat, make the commitment.

When we challenge ourselves in the face of discomfort, we build personal resilience. Here’s how it happens for me.

My Cold Plunge

I do a cold plunge almost every day. When I get back from dropping my kids off at school, I immediately get in my swimsuit and go downstairs where I have my ice bath. It’s set at 55 degrees, which sounds pretty warm. But trust me, once you get in, it’s like jumping into a really cold ocean.

There’s this small moment before every plunge: I stand in front of it not wanting to get in. But I psych myself up, take some deep breaths, and then jump in. Then I just lay there.

The first thing that happens is I always lose my breath. But when I catch it again, my mind goes completely blank. The only thing I can focus on is how uncomfortable it is, and I’m scrambling for the willpower to stay in the tub. I tell myself that if I can just hold on for 90 seconds, it’ll get better. And it does.

The best part is 5 or 6 minutes in. That’s when I start to feel euphoric. Everything starts tingling, and my body feels like it’s warming up—like I’ve been charged up with electricity and have a full battery. That’s when I get out.

Let me tell you, coffee has nothing on a cold plunge. Without an ounce of caffeine, I’m ready to conquer anything the day throws at me. And the only thing holding me back from this feeling was being worried about a little discomfort.

Challenge Yourself Every Day

When you start your day off with a challenge and meet that challenge, it sets a tone.

On a typical day, there are so many stresses and moments that start to pile on. We’re bogged down with so many things. But if you start with a challenge—and complete it—at the top of your day, every other challenge feels beatable.

That daily challenge might not be a cold plunge for you. Maybe it’s working out in the morning (which is known to have fantastic results on your productivity during the day). Or maybe it’s doing yard work. Or a brisk walk or jog. Whatever it is, it needs to be challenging.

When you get it out of the way first thing, you’ll be ready to conquer anything. That determination will help you rise to the challenges of the day, giving you a better chance to turn obstacles into growth.

Speaking of growth, consider your chosen morning challenge as its own opportunity for growth. When I started doing a cold plunge, I could only last 20 seconds. Now I’m doing it for 6 minutes. Likewise, if you do something like a jog, maybe you start with half a mile. In time, that could turn into 6 miles. As your capacity for your morning challenge grows, so will your ability to face daily obstacles.

You will build resilience. And you will crave that feeling of doing better next time. And you’ll see yourself as somebody who can achieve anything, even if challenges are difficult or uncomfortable.

That’s important because, let’s face it, as physicians, we can forget all the challenges that we’re overcoming daily—losing that feeling of satisfaction of triumphing over an obstacle. We’ve been trained to do extremely difficult things in our day-to-day lives. We can forget how awesome it is to do what we do.

When you change up the daily routine, your perspective shifts. Everything you do is recontextualized. Breaking up that routine just a little bit and starting the day with a challenge allows you to have more appreciation for things.

When there’s room for improvement, you feel alive again. What challenges are you putting in front of yourself? Maybe you’re investing in real estate, starting a new business, or building your practice. There’s a benefit to pushing yourself beyond what you’re comfortable with. And that benefit is taking one more step to living life on your own terms.

Push Through Discomfort

If you can handle discomfort and push through, you’ll have put yourself in a position to grow. Do this both physically and mentally. Walk that extra mile. Put in those extra steps. Add one or two more reps. But also, when it comes to conferences or learning something new, put yourself out there. Sit in your discomfort. Change and growth will start to seep in and lead to life-changing results.

By challenging yourself to move beyond your discomfort on a daily basis, you keep your long-term goals at the top of your mind. And that’s where growth happens.

And if you’re looking to grow within a community, we’re here to support you. Consider joining our Leverage & Growth Accelerator Community, attending a conference, or getting on the waitlist for Passive Real Estate Academy. Wherever we see you next, we’re looking forward to hearing about how you challenge yourself daily. Until then, keep pushing yourself toward success.

Peter Kim, MD is the founder of Passive Income MD, the creator of Passive Real Estate Academy, and offers weekly education through his Monday podcast, the Passive Income MD Podcast. Join our community at the Passive Income Doc Facebook Group.

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