Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps

Where I grew up, June 1st was the first day it actually felt warm enough to wear sandals.

That's why getting a pedicure on this day has always been a celebration for me. A way for me to acknowledge and appreciate the warm weather – and the change in footwear.

Come to find out that I'm not the only one who thinks June 1st is the perfect day to bare your toes. It is National Barefoot Day (June 1st)!

And although the first thing that comes to mind when I think of June is a pedicure, there are so many beautiful things to celebrate in June that it takes me a whole month!

That's why I put together this HUGE list of June holiday and newsletter ideas. I even threw in a few subject line ideas for June just to be sure!

June holidays – 2024

Ideas for the June newsletter

June is a month full of beauty and growth. So let's start there.

Gardening newsletter

Growing up, I spent more days working with my mother in her garden than I can count. Weeding, pruning vines and harvesting strawberries were all part of a day well spent.

I now do more container gardening than on-property gardening, but gardening is still an important part of my life. Help it become a part of your readers' lives with these June newsletter tips.

  • Be a reliable resource. Share gardening tips and tricks. Give your readers something to make their time in the garden more productive by making it easier, getting a better harvest, or keeping insects away.
  • Make a positive impact on your community. Work with your local community to create a neighborhood garden and let your readers know your plans and how they can get involved.
  • Be relatable. Tell a story about your own garden, one your team grows, one that supplies your business, or even a local gardener who gives back. And give your readers something to feel good about.

Father's Day newsletter

While last month was all about the mothers of the world, this month was all about the fathers.

And just like Mother's Day, Father's Day isn't just for those who raise human children – that includes fur babies. Just ask my tabby cat’s “father.”

This Father's Day, create an email campaign that has a powerful impact on you and your subscribers with these newsletter ideas:

  • Make an offer they can't refuse. It doesn't matter if your demographic is dads or single moms. Share a discount code or special offer that your readers can use or share with the dads in their lives.
  • Build comprehensibly. Tell a story about something great your father did for you. Then share it on Facebook and encourage your readers and followers to do the same.
  • Build relationships by laughing together. If it suits your brand and audience, share some “dad jokes” with your readers. Better yet, create a short video of your employees telling their best “dad jokes,” post it on your YouTube page or website, and create a video email.
  • Be a reliable resource. If you're a father, share an article, website, or social media channel that has particularly helped you over the years. Be sure to tell your readers why you like it and why you're sharing it with them, then link to the source.

Newsletter for month-long appointments

It's time to stroll through Perennial Garden Month and take Pride month in your Caribbean American Heritage Month. Go National camping Month. Visit the National Oceans Month, The National Month of Riversor even that National Zoo and Aquarium[s] Month. Just don't forget to stop and smell it National rose[s] Month.

Above all, stay National Safety Month by becoming aware of things like Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, Cataract Awareness Month, National PTSD Awareness MonthAnd National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month.

And take care of yourself by eating your food National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month and chase it with a nice cold glass of wine National Iced Tea Month.

While this was a fun way to introduce some of the designations for the month of June, you can see how difficult it is to highlight more than one event, notoriety, or designation in a single newsletter. So choose a cause, occasion or time that resonates with your company, your employees or your community and bring it to light in your June newsletter. Then,

  • Share some statistics for the cause and encourage your readers to spread the word, volunteer, or donate to help.
  • Spread the message beyond your readers by asking a question in your newsletter and directing them to your social media page for the answer. Then use the month of social media posts to continue the conversation with questions and answers.
  • Collaborate with other businesses and organizations in your community to raise awareness or raise funds. Then tell your readers what you do and let them know how they can get involved.

TIP: Whatever holiday you're highlighting in your newsletter this month, whether you're issuing a challenge, offering advice, or encouraging your readers to share, include a branded hashtag and a custom hashtag – along with a corresponding social media post – with it You can find it easily I like what you post!

June newsletter subject line ideas

  • “Don’t be a complainer…” — Oscar the complainer day (June 1)
  • “Do you have milk? Now you will do it!” — World Milk Day (June 1) If you run a bakery, this is a great way to run a discount or give away a small pack or glass of milk with the purchase of cookies. I know I would fall for it!
  • “We are stuck in repetition” – Repeat day (June 3) Ideal for repeating a past campaign that was particularly successful.
  • “Be Kind. Rewind” – Preheader: “Come back and get this great offer!” National VCR Day (June 7). This is ideal for encouraging customers to return to your brick-and-mortar location.
  • “Getting crazy!” — Prince's birthday (June 7). Use it to create excitement for this month's event or promotion.
  • “We’re not kidding you” – National Jerky Day (12th of June). On the other hand, if you're in the jerky business, try doing it without the “not” and adding the preheading “in a good way.”
  • “Call Your Doctor” Preheader: “Because It’s Worth Sharing” National Call Your Doctor Day. (14th June).
  • “Relax. Relax. Take a bath.” — International Bathing Day (14th June). Ideal for gift shops that carry bathroom accessories.
  • “Don’t just take a bath. Bathe. “— International Bathing Day (14th June). If you want to talk about luxury bathroom accessories – from bath oils to bathroom renovations.
  • “Would you like some fudge?” — National Fudge Day (June 16). Great for giving fudge samples as gifts or sharing a fudge recipe and video on how to make it.
  • “Fudge it” – National Fudge Day (June 16). The punctuation alone changes the tone.
  • “Take back your lunch break!” — National Take Back the Lunch Break Day. (third Friday). Whether you run a restaurant, a delivery service, or even a yoga studio, this is a good time to encourage remote workers to catch up on their lunch breaks.
  • “Can you hear the music?” — World Music Day (June 21st). If your business has something to do with music, don't miss this day!
  • “🎵Hey Jude!🎵 We’ll do it better!” — Global Beatles Day (25th June). In fact, you could use any well-known Beatles lyrics that fit your business. Combine this with World Music Day (June 21) and you have a well-coordinated newsletter.

For more June holidays and ideas on how to share them with your customers, download the graphic below.
Or plan the rest of your year with our online marketing calendar, complete with a free template and list of holidays you can use to plan a successful year.

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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