Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps

Wouldn’t it be great if the content your brand invests so much time and resources into could grab media attention?

More people would see your content and your brand would get a credibility boost from a third-party source. This is the magic of combining content and PR. Whether you wear the PR hat or work with the PR team, you can create alchemy for your content and your brand.

To do this, follow the following dos and don'ts of media work (adapted and updated from my presentation at Content Marketing World 2023).

Understand what content is best for earned media

Not all the content you create will be good for media. Regarding the content that doesn't work:

  • Sales-oriented: Journalists and editorially focused media do not want to become the stooges of your brand and your products. Save sales content for other channels.
  • Undifferentiated: Media companies also don’t want to publish the same content as everyone else.
  • Weak: If you don't bring your content to life with data, statistics, or customer reports, don't waste time getting it in front of the media.
  • AI generated: If editors wanted content created by bots, they could create it themselves.

Which content works well? I find these categories pair well with third-party publications:

  • Thought leadership: Interviews with executives provide great material. Every few months I interview my client's CEO and create a thought piece for the company blog. I submitted one of these articles to the Food Industry Executive publication and they published it. In fact, the industry trends article became the magazine's most-read story that month, driving additional coverage. Then an editor at Cheese Market News read it and asked to publish it too. We've reworked it for this release, getting more coverage based on something that would otherwise have been left gathering dust on the company blog.
  • Customer stories: Leverage your customers (as soon as you have the necessary permissions from their organization). Work with your sales team to identify potential customers and then negotiate with the customer. Remind them that advertising helps them too, and see what you could offer to encourage or thank them (e.g. a discount).
  • Original data and research: Reporters and editors love original data. In Cision's 2024 State of the Media report (registration required), 61% of journalists say they want to receive original research (trends, market data, etc.) from media experts. This is second only to press releases. I've had great success with original data.

For example, a customer tested how long a hard drive lasted and posted the results on the company website. We pitched it to technology publications and 12 outlets, including Network World, Ars Technica and Tom's Hardware, picked it up.

Screenshots of articles in Network World, Ars Technica, and other publications showing a proprietary media article (original hard drive lifespan research) being successfully used in earned media campaigns.

  • Trend pieces: If you do not have your own data, you can use publicly available data. I've seen companies successfully build a trending story pitch based on public data related to what the brand does and what the media company is interested in.

Focus on the publications your audience reads

Instead of pitching to hundreds of journalists or publications, do a little research to find out where your audience spends time. Your list won't be hundreds; it will probably be closer to 10 or 20.

The C-suite often believes that everyone reads the Wall Street Journal. They believe that a mention there will change everything for the company. However, trade publications may be far more relevant to your audience, and these publications are more likely to publish your content as their workforce shrinks. If you send them a well-written (i.e. non-salesy) success story along with high-resolution photos (and a video if available), they'll probably happily consider publishing it.

Don't use overused words, jargon, or acronyms

Continuing the non-sales content strategy, avoid the following words:

  • Urgent
  • Industry leading
  • Latest news
  • Groundbreaking
  • Innovative

Also pay attention to jargon and acronyms. Since you deal with a topic every day, you might think that everyone knows what you're talking about. Many people won't do it. As a rule of thumb, you should spell out acronyms the first time you refer them.

Don't ignore the publishing guidelines

Most media websites publish guidelines for content provided. Some don't accept it and some have strict guidelines. Create pitches that show you've evaluated them. This will help you stand out from the crowd because many people don't bother to read them.

Sometimes the publication itself wants to interview the people quoted in the content. If this would be inconvenient for customers or sales teams or executives might be hesitant to give reporters access to them, choose another media company.

Consider the target audience of the publication

For example, one journalist told me that she often receives offers from companies based in cities like Denver. But she writes for a business magazine in Columbus, Ohio. It seems like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people don't think before making a pitch.

A journalist told me that she often gets pitches for story companies in Denver. But she writes for a business magazine in Columbus, Ohio. It seems like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people don't think before making a pitch. In a recent Muck Rack study (registration required), almost three quarters of journalists surveyed said that the most common reason for rejecting a pitch is its irrelevance to their reporting area. Other contenders include lack of personalization (6%), poor timing (5%), too long (2%), confusing subject line (1%), and others (7%).

Muck Rack found that nearly three-quarters of journalists surveyed said the main reason they rejected a pitch was its irrelevance to their reporting area.  Other contenders include lack of personalization (6%), poor timing (5%), too long (2%), confusing subject line (1%), and others (7%).

You might think this is common sense. The bar is low.

Don't neglect relationship building

Make sure your media relations work is more than just a one-time transaction. If you build good relationships with reporters and editors, they may come to you when they write about your industry. Treat them well, prioritize their needs and respect their time.

Here's a relationship tip. If your brand is exhibiting at a trade show or sponsoring an event, you can often get the pre-registered media list in advance. Send the reporters you are interested in a quick email a few weeks before the event to arrange an interview with your speaker. If they don't want to schedule a meeting, you can always invite them to stop by your booth at their convenience. These meetings help build a relationship with a reporter, making them more likely to remember the CEO or executive when they need a source. Sometimes they write stories right after the show and ask for offers.

Remember: Journalists don't owe you anything. You can move on to the next source if you don't meet their deadlines or ignore their questions. Make sure you designate a media contact on your website to review incoming messages. You don't want to miss any reporter requests. For example, I know of a company that missed an opportunity at Wired magazine because no one checked the email to which the reporter sent the query.

Social media helps a lot in connecting with reporters. Journalists update their digital profiles more frequently than a media database company. They also publish what they are working on and what sources they are looking for.

According to the Muck Rack study, journalists still use X more than other platforms, but I've seen them using LinkedIn more and more recently.

36% of journalists say they use X, 22% are on Facebook, 17% are on LinkedIn and 12% are on Instagram. Only a few are on YouTube (4%), Reddit (2%) and TikTok (1%). Only 2% say they are not on social media.

Research from Muck Rack found that more journalists (36%) cite X/Twitter as their most valuable social media channel, followed by Facebook (22%), LinkedIn (17%), Instagram (12%), YouTube (4% ) and other (4%).

Try these tips

Keep these basic pitching tips in mind:

  • Pitch in the morning, when most reporters would prefer to receive story ideas.
  • Avoid Mondays when every inbox is full.
  • Avoid Fridays before and Tuesdays after a three-day weekend.
  • Use email as this is preferred by most reporters.
  • Send a follow-up email about a week after the original pitch.

Don't forget to make the most of the media you deserve

If your content is picked up or mentioned in a publication, share it on social media. Include it in your newsletter and publish it on your website. Share it with your prospects, investors, partners and internal teams.

You want everyone to know how you converted your owned media (content) into earned media through a PR approach. You didn't have to create anything new – you used content that was already created. And that's a win for everyone when content and PR teams work together.

Bring your team to Content Marketing World this October to get inspiration, ideas, and actionable advice on developing and executing a strategy that will increase your company's bottom line. Group rates are available. Sign up today.


Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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