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I meet regularly with a group of experienced specialists to go to great ideas, emerging trends and how we could predict what comes next in the business world.

The findings and learning from these meetings are invaluable. But true magic is not in the ideas. It is in the common stories, deep relationships and friendships that have grown over the years.

Our moderator likes to say: “It is not networking. It is community -hinge.” And frankly, that differentiates these discussions. It's not just about throwing theories around – it is about challenging each other, sharpening and realizing the future that the future could be much more strange than we thought.

Recently we dealt with a big question that led to fascinating discussions: “How will the leadership of AI convert?”

We examined this from every perspective: political leadership, corporate management and even leadership in small groups and communities.

But when the conversation developed, it became clear that this question goes beyond traditional leadership roles. It also touches a topic that is first class in marketing: content of the thought.

AI changes how people influence, inspire and communicate. I share the insights from the discussion about how this postponement affects the type of leadership and thought contents in the video and even more detailed.

What happens if everyone knows everything?

The leadership has been based on two important advantages for centuries:

  1. An asymmetry of information
  2. The ability to create and express a visionary story – a convincing story that inspires people

Those who led to business, politics or war part did so because they had access to know the other. Better intelligence (fancier knowledge and exclusive information) have created opportunities for power.

Leadership was based on knowing more than anyone else and telling a convincing story about it.

In particular, the thought leaders led to use this asymmetrical access to information – which only a few knew, turned it into an responsive, convincing argument and to educate, inclusion and assembly of people to a common goal (which, if we are honest, was usually the sale of a product or service).

However, the asymmetrical knowledge advantage fades quickly because AI calls the field.

If artificial intelligence can capture, analyze and synthesize more than any human spirit can ever process, knowledge is no longer exclusively or difficult to maintain.

This means that access to information and knowledge is no longer a distinction. The edge that the managers once separated from supporters – the ability to see what others miss – disappears.

If someone can access the same findings if every decision of algorithms can be optimized and stress can be tested and the execution of autonomous systems can be treated, the question arises: “What is left?”

The universal access to AI-controlled knowledge seems to suggest two competing results:

  • Greater consensus. If everyone sees the same reliable information, people may converge with common truths and allow the reason and evidence to control decisions. This result requires a critical society that can separate credible data from unreliable sources.
  • Runity polarization. If the volume of the “facts” becomes overwhelming, managers (and their followers) can return data that support the preconceived beliefs. This result promotes an environment according to the truth in which the factual consensus becomes almost impossible. If every faction claims to work for the “real facts”, the truth will be controversial – and the loudest or most convincing voice can win.

Early results indicate the latter result. Today the loudest person in the room is not necessarily the best with the best information – only those with the largest megaphone, the hottest setting or the most rude presentation.

The paradox of AI-controlled leadership

AI does not only change how decisions are made – it will change what leads to. The leadership was never just about access to information. It also depended on persuasiveness, storytelling and charisma – qualities that people geared towards a common vision.

But what happens if AI reduces the need that people carry out tasks?

We already see the reduction of the workforce in information -based roles, whereby AI is increasingly positioning as a replacement. If future AI agents lead the content of the pioneers and make decisions of managers without a question or return of humans, the management of leadership of inspiring and mobilizing people changes to clever decisions?

Regardless of whether you make the publication on the management of ai-generated thoughts or make high-quality business decisions, a lack of human challenge increases the risk of a single point of failure. Without pushback, review or debate, also the best decisions to be reduced, the door open to blind spots and systemic failures.

This creates a fascinating leadership paradox:

  • The rise of highly analytical managers with a low ego. If the AI ​​takes over the execution, leadership can be less charisma, emotions and conviction and more about wisdom, ethics and distinction (precision decision). These managers will not be successful because they can fascinate a room or a team, but because they make consistently well -founded, well -founded decisions.
  • A greater need for deeply human, charismatic leaders. Since AI makes decisions increasingly cold and clinically, people can long for the opposite – guides who make them feel something. In a world that drowns into data, trust in the judgment and the integrity of a guide can become more important than your knowledge or skills. People may be wondering: “I think that you are using this information in my best interest?” Instead of “What information do you have that I don't do?”

Think about it: At one end you get hyperlogical, volcanic managers who are efficient and precise, but are separated from human emotions. On the other hand, you will receive magnetic, sized personalities who inspire and inspire charisma, but have priority before substance.

Perhaps the real challenge is to find something that connects the best of both without falling into both cases.

The future of the thought: What can we do?

AI has democratized further information. So the future of the thought cannot simply be of unique insights. It must include unique perspectives that promote trust and build deeper relationships.

In order to remain relevant, thought leaders should consider moving their focus in three important ways.

  1. Stop doing facts and start designing the meaning. AI can generate endless information, but the lead is not about creating more information – it is about leading the interpretation. The true value of the thought will help to ensure that various groups contextualize and synthesize knowledge in order to create common understanding and deeper meaning. It's not just about presenting data. It is about shaping it in such a way that trust, orientation and action promotes.
  2. Trust in the storyteller is the basis of faith in history. John Maxwell once wrote: “People buy the guide before shopping in the vision … Managers cannot bring their people to places that they have not yet traveled to themselves!” In other words, history creates value and builds up, but if an audience does not believe in the storyteller, the message loses its effect.

    Increasing trustworthy voices in their brand and the help to grow into the pioneers of Tomorrow is one of the most important tasks in terms of content. It is no longer just about great content – it's about credibility, integrity and authenticity of the people behind it.

  3. Create more interactive and community-powered content. The new goal for the leadership is not only attention, but the commitment. Interactivity about traffic. Loyalty to transactions. Depth over virality. Instead of just transferring knowledge, thought leaders have to promote conversations, cultivate communities and create collaborative spaces in which ideas not only spread but also develop.

The asymmetry of relationships: the new leadership advantage

When AI reduces the friction in the execution, it also unfolds the moments in which leaders demonstrate their value through debates, persuasiveness and the art of resistance.

Without these natural checks, the leadership shifted from the person who is the only strategist to which the ethical anchor is (the binding power that holds an organization or community together).

If it turns out that this is true, the future of continuing leadership will not be based on an asymmetry of information – since information is now generally accessible. It is also not dependent on charisma or a broad influence.

Instead, the leadership depends on the ability to create an asymmetry of relationships in which managers not only transmit knowledge, but also give them with deeper importance, context and trust and find paths to create together in various and specific communities. It's not about having exclusive knowledge and making it widespread. It is about creating understanding in a way that promotes in very specific contexts in very specific contexts.

Leadership in this new era will not contain any command authority. It requires managers to earn a community. Those who thrive are not those who control, but those who connect.

With leadership, it is no longer about seeing the way more. It's about making the trip important.

It's your story. Say it well.

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Cover picture by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

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