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Your brand is flawed.
It doesn't matter who you are or what your company does. The character of your brand is flawed. Brands behave badly in ways large and small. Even the most well-intentioned branding efforts go wrong.
Elon Musk appears to have acted intentionally to devalue X's brand value. Bud Light had a bad brand year in 2023 with a flawed marketing campaign. Even innovative startup OpenAI inadvertently created a branding problem after firing and rehiring its CEO and co-founder Sam Altman.
Of course, brand character mistakes also happen in smaller and less catastrophic ways. There is probably at least one email in your inbox from a company addressed to the address
As a marketer, you hope to avoid these situations. But here's the thing: companies, organizations and brands are made up of people. People make mistakes and people do bad things. Every one of your brands will falter at some point.
However, in all of these situations lies a lesson for your role as a brand storyteller.
Understand your brand’s shortcomings
Stephen R. Covey, author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” once wrote, “We judge ourselves by our motives and others by their behavior.” As humans, you continue to make this fundamental attribution error when comparing your actions perceive those of others.
Typically, you know the clear intentions behind your own actions, but guilt can cause you to double down when someone demands your response. You know it was an accident when you parked the car. But when that driver zooms up next to your vehicle, flips the bird and screams from inside his car, you do a double whammy, flipping him the bird and shouting, “Oh, shut up!” I didn’t do it on purpose!”
You know you worked hard on that customer activation email campaign. But when a mistake becomes apparent prematurely and you are cynically called out on social media, you react badly, which only fuels the mistake.
Bud Light's campaign featuring Dylan Mulvaney is a perfect example. As I wrote, the beer brand's biggest mistake wasn't the campaign, but rather its response to the backlash and, more importantly, its lack of preparation for the backlash.
Identify the potential for weaknesses in your brand stories
When something goes wrong, you most likely blame the situation and remember your intentions. But your perception of the behavior of other people – and other brands – is different. You don't know their intentions. Even if they express them, you can ignore them. They most likely interpret their behavior as a flaw in their character.
Recognizing this tendency toward judgmental responses is an important lesson for marketers. This makes a strong argument for a more comprehensive approach to brand storytelling than just talking about your products or services.
Historically, brand messaging architectures must be idealized, perfect and unassailable – a passionate voice striking the ideal tone in an imperfect world. Your brand is the solution to all problems. You develop reasons for this belief, a focus and a value.
They pay little or no attention to exposing weaknesses and deficiencies.
But you should. Every great hero has flaws. This makes her strengths and her story so understandable. Luke Skywalker has a dark side. Barbie initially lacks self-confidence. Even George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life – the perfect father, brother and friend – has self-esteem issues.
In storytelling, the hero's mistake lays the foundation for the story's conflict and forces the audience to engage with it. Isn't it ironic then that as a marketer you want your brand story to be as uneventful and conflict-free even though you know that will never be possible?
Embrace imperfection
In 2024, companies will have to take a hard look at their brand story that puts people at the center. The disruption of generative AI and the noise in the market should force you to create more human content that stands out through brand storytelling.
Focusing on branded content inherently means leaving behind the comfort of “safe” brand messaging and taking bigger steps toward thought leadership, compelling stories, and purpose-driven content. You have to take a greater risk of misinterpretation, errors, or just riskier content.
Last year I shared the architecture of point-of-view messaging. Over the past few months, I've been working with more clients to help them think about how and where they align, not just on the elements of the brand message, but on all the things the brand believes in.
A core element of this architecture requires the recognition that every point of view contains “resistance”. This is not just about the negative or the contrast to the advantages or values. These resistances recognize the shortcomings of this view.
We helped a global consulting firm develop a point-of-view architecture around the future of cloud computing as a technical infrastructure. The point of view and brand story were consistent across all areas of the business. A resistance arose because they found it difficult to live up to this idealized infrastructure. But once we recognize it, we can address it.
We did not highlight this error in the notice. Just because the brand failed to live the ideal didn't mean it couldn't believe in it and promote it. However, recognizing the error led the company to prepare a consistent, cohesive, and coordinated response should the error ever be brought to its attention.
As a marketer, you are the perfect candidate to maintain your brand's flawed character. You must have the strength, courage and strong muscle to communicate your intentions to live up to your brand's ideals. And you also have to accept that you will never fully do it.
It's your story. Say it well.
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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
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