Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps
Have you heard the Canaries chirping in the marketing coal mine?
It became a little louder last month after Ahrefs had published a report that has a 32% month for the month of search traffic at, the website of the popular customer relationship management software, with the website with the website of Customer Relationships software published. (January 2025 had 5.7 million visits and December 2024 visited 8.7 million visits.)
Marketers have beaten a lot that shared statistics with answers to the surface level and the results as an indicator announced that SEO is dead.
Why should you take care of what happens to the Hubspot website? You shouldn't. After all, they are probably not in the CRM industry and do not know exactly what the company's marketing strategy is.
But you should not ignore the potential effects. Deborah Carver from Content Technologist writes: “In favor of quick content for a reader with a zero click, [prominent SEO influencers and their content marketing acolytes have] I forgot that other areas, tactics and ideas exist outside the Internet. “
See the latest Search Hullabaloo for what it really is – an early warning sign that marketers are in tumult about the rapid development of finding a company and its content, products and services.
It is time to stop your (probably) long -standing traditional SEO approach. Here are five questions you should answer to prepare your brand for the future:
1. Does your audience gather just like it?
Explore all interactions with your company before immersing yourself as your viewers use. A lot has happened in recent years, from changes in the work of people (remote vs. company office) to learning (online and personal) and how they receive answers (generative AI tools compared to traditional search engines). Add the legal and social challenges in relation to social media, from Tikok ban to the platform owners, and you can see that your audience is going through a lot.
Did all of these changes influence how it deals with your company? An examination of the behavior of your audience can answer this. Examine data points from 2023, 2024 and today for your marketing tactics. What is increased? What is reduced? What has remained the same? Do the numbers show large changes in behavior that are worth (and react to this)?
With this great view, you can now immerse yourself in the details, and in this process the recommendation is on your website.
2. Does your recommendations really deliver?
Go under the surface of the website traffic number to understand which visitors to your organization are really important.
Does the search for search transfers carry the visitors to take up the actions you want?
If not, you should possibly adapt your SEO investment and insert some (or all) into your marketing strategy components that provide the results.
If recommendation is helpful, drill the drilldown to understand which visitor segments really deliver. What are the intentions of these coveted seekers? Is it information, commercial or transaction system?
What are the most effective keywords? Just because your website is high for some keywords does not mean that it is helpful for the company.
Szymon Slovics illustrates this in his incoming analysis of the Hubspot News on Surfer SEO. He points out how HubSpot has lost his number 1 for “marketing strategy template” and “quotes”, and finds that one is probably more important for Hubspot's business than the other.
In this new analysis, repress your keyword list to emphasize those with the greatest effects and to delete those who are irrelevant.
That leads to the next step.
3. Do you really measure your metrics?
Metrics for SEO success usually focus on key words and rankings. The bosses are impressed by how many three top rankings appear in an apparently endless list of words in the quarterly report. Of course, nothing is important if the high rankings do not serve the business.
For this reason, you should revise the measuring plan to ensure that the company's marketing goals contributes. Of course, you cannot revise the metrics yourself. Talk to managers from companies to get their input, explain your recommended new reporting system and should implement your more helpful report.
4. What about your content competition?
With a better understanding of the behavior of your audience and your newly prioritized keyword list, you are ready to examine a broader search behavior.
Enter every keyword to find out which content of websites is already submitting well for this. What does this search result look like? Is there a AI overview at the top? If so, does it include a single or several source links? Visit these sources and one of the top rankings not cited in the AIO. Analyze the content yourself (including embedded links, pictures, videos and header) together with the available metadata to find your brand for improving or creating new content.
TIP: Don't forget to search for an audio search for your keywords to understand what appears in the ears of your audience.
5. What is in the SEO name?
Your company has probably codified SEO and SEM in the marketing structure. Employee titles can include acronyms. You can end with SEO agencies or SEM specialists.
It is a good time to start the conversation about the update of the title and to recognize that SEO and SEM are not new activities. But do not only implement a change of title. Ask these employees to describe their work without using “SEO” or “SEM”. Do the same with all external partners. Evaluate these descriptions, add your own changes and work together to get a role name that reflects what you do or achieve.
TIP: If the conversation about a new name shows that you only carry out traditional SEO work, it is time to update the job description or to find a new agency.
Sing a modern marketing song
You don't have to worry about the great drop in traffic from Hubspot. This is for the CRM provider (or not). However, you can hear all Hullabaloo as a warning call.
It is time to understand better how your public behavior develops and how the marketing of your brand should react. Then you can sing a melody that comes to applause from your audience and executives.
Do you need further instructions to improve your content marketing skills? Register at the CMI University and receive 12 months on the youth access to an extensive curriculum with which you should do your work more effectively.
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Cover picture by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps