Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps

In a digital world in which nothing is forgotten, an error can cause more than just embarrassment. False links, illegible text, insensitive language or one of dozens (probably rather hundreds) of other topics can cost companies considerable income and e -mail marketers for their work.

That may seem extreme, but those in the industry know all too well the mental flash of the worst scenarios that they start shortly before a campaign. It is so common that it is called “Send button fear”.

But what if you can send the button confidence instead?

The only thing that seems to reduce this type of e -mail marketing stress is to check the e -mails for mistakes or problems. Then check again. And again. And yet you can still forget something and sort yourself through a catastrophe.

For this reason, even the most qualified and experienced email marketers use pioneering checklists to ensure that everything is done correctly. To be received for an important medical procedure? Surgeons have a checklist. When pilots prepare to fly 400 precious life over the ocean – a checklist.

For teams who send e-mails with high operations (and this is almost every company that takes care of their reputation or lower edge), they give every message the attention that it with an email checklist before sending earned. When fear goes, you can see that everything has been checked twice.

Is there a real way to carry out an e -mail quality securing? We believe that. Model it in the way subscribers actually experience your message – as she first appears in your inbox – and take care of the technical aspects next before you at the end of the process on e -mail -concentrate beforehand.


You can use an automated checklist before sending.

A 360-degree checklist for email professionals before sending

E -Mail about acid has developed the tools that the industry leaders trust in order to provide a consistently e -mail perfection. As part of our complete suite, we offer an automated e -mail willingness checklist that we call Campaign forecast.

In this way you can check your preheader text, address problems with accessibility, validate URLs and pictures, carry out the spelling check, determine whether they were blocked, perform spam tests and then a preview in the way your E -Mail focuses on more than 90 of the most popular devices and e -mail clients.

Campaign sprays are particularly great that they can do it Find and fix Problems immediately. So there is no back and forth between quality assurance and the development of e -mails. It all makes it more efficient – and efficiency is money.

This is much more than an e -mail preview. As a rule, these are hardly more than an e -mail screenshot. You cannot recognize whether the preheader text is correct. You don't know if the URLs are right. And it may look fine on your computer, but how do you know that it will look great for everyone?

Campaign Precheck brings you to follow the best practices of the e -mail design, which she helps at the end of the day to achieve her ultimate goal: land in the inbox of your subscribers and a meaningful commitment.

The 8 steps of the campaign prege

1. Input receipt display

E-mail mailput input Display test checklist before sending

The inbox shows you the subject and the Preheader Text and is the first thing that campaign -Precheck cover is, as this is the first encounter with subscribers with your message. If you don't nail this, nothing else is important. So if you make sure that you have the correct information, optimize the opening.

If the topic and the pre -header are isolated, do you still sound tempting enough to arouse the interest of your audience? Have you integrated this last minute change from the copywriting team? Are there any embarrassing spelling mistakes?

As soon as your inbox preview is optimized for open, it is time to ensure that your message can be interpreted by everyone on your list.

2. accessibility

E -mail accessibility tool

Just as your e -emails cannot deliver results if they are not opened, they will not be achieved if subscribers cannot read them. Our accessibility tool focuses on millions of Americans who have visual disorders according to CDC.

Can your e -mail be read with a screen reader? Is there an old text for every picture? Does the contrast ratio WCAG AA standards meet? Have you underlined every link?

If you are missing this step, you will waste a significant part of your list. Your company will suffer and your quarterly report will also be.

1. URL validation

Link Validation Tool CTA Check

Do your links solve or is there a mistake? Do you actually go to your intended goal?

If you replace links and click one after the other manually, you still leave too much of the human mistake.

In our URL validation tool, all of your links are listed at one point and all error messages are automatically displayed. You can easily confirm that everyone works properly and edit them directly in the checklist. See? Efficiency.

You can even identify the UTM tracking tags used so that you can make sure that you receive the results for the results that your message generates!

4. Image validation

Image validation instrument

Outlook is known to show pictures in a different way than they intend. There are three aspects of the e -mail about the image validation instrument from ACID:

  1. A callout if a picture lacks a edge or width (or even if a “0” value is entered).
  2. A GIF optimizer that defines which Outlook frame is used as a miniature or static image.
  3. A picture optimizer for speed and news size. Nobody will wait more than a few seconds for their pictures to be loaded. To maximize your speed, you should be less than 200 kb. If your pictures do not meet this standard, we optimize it for you. E -mails on acid can even align the images in their name. However, if you do not want to use this offer, we offer you a folder of compressed images at the end of the campaign discussion.

The image validation step in the Precheck campaign is a great example of why many call this a a Find and fix Tool.

It is not only displayed which frame is displayed as a miniature view for your GIF, but you can also select which frame you should use. It not only tells you that the pictures are too big, but it compresses them for them. How about the service on the red carpet?

5. Spelling examination

Email OBSCONNTITY Filter tool for the checklist before sending

The registration test tool checks every aspect of your e -mail – from the pre -head text to body copy – for uncomfortable errors. Your copywriter has certainly done this before you have finished your work, but if things change on the owner and changes, mistakes have a not so well -founded way of sneaking in.

E -mails on acid also have a brand integrity examiner to ensure that they do not use terms that are best unsaid. And at the end of the day you can ignore all warnings such as branded words that a typical dictionary may not recognize.

6. Domain block lists

Domain Blocklist check

This is about more than your domain. It is about every domain to which you link in your message. If a block -listing block list is, this can affect the availability of your e -mail. There can also be a good reason why a domain is on the naughty list. You definitely do not want to be responsible for sending your subscribers to a harmful website.

One of the functions of the delivery capacity tester is to validate domains against four different services. If there is a problem, we provide you with the generated code and a link to this specific block list so that you can fix the problem.

7. Spam

E -mail -spam test

Our spam test is the second half of the testator and performs your e -mails against more than 20 different filters. Does your message make it into the inbox? You will receive a list of pass/fail results together with certain filters that the message did not pass.

This is about knowing what will happen to your message before You send it. Trust us: It is much better than finding out by an angry boss or subscriber that you have ended up in the Spam folder. Eek! Talk about a hit by the brand call.

8. E -Mail preview

Email client test reutls for the checklist before sending

Now that all the stuff has been completed behind the scenes, it is time to look at the complete picture. The preview of screenshots of your emails is an important step in the check list process before sending.

This also comes at the end, since all changes that were carried out in the first part of the E -Mail -QA process can influence how the message is actually displayed on the device of a person. In addition, a nice preview can convey a wrong feeling of security: a perfectly determined message is worthless if it is not delivered, opened and visible.

Our E -Mail preview is much more than screenshots. They are real live customers. You will see exactly what your subscribers will see. One thing that puts e -mails on acid apart from similar platforms … Unlimited tests. Regardless of your plan, you can test as many e -mails as you want and share them with team members without making a monthly blanket.

You can display a preview of more than 90 different clients and devices. And then you can always provide a preview of the E -Mail Perfection.

With a checklist before sending, hold the steering wheel

E -Mail on Acid offers you the opportunity to check the most critical aspects of your message and make changes immediately. This means that you can use our automated checklist before sending to achieve better results with more efficiency than ever before. You don't have to rely on third parties or a colleague on the other side of the hall to tell you whether your email “looks good”. You have control.

With e -mails on acid you can create adapted workflows based on the requirements of your team. With our E -Mail Team management tools you can set up various authorizations and responsibilities so that the right people have access and the wrong people. You can even switch on or off specific aspects of the campaign test if you do not fit into your workflow for some reason.

They are in the driver's seat and have the wheel. It is time to deliver e -mail perfection.

Author: Geoff Traub

Geoff Traub leads e -mail via the Customer Success team from Acid, which works on board and supports marketers who use our e -mail readiness platform. Geoff and his team are happy to support our customers to deliver an e -mail perfection. He lives in the mountains of Idaho, and his Woodpile is probably larger than hers.

Create your very own Auto Publish News/Blog Site and Earn Passive Income in Just 4 Easy Steps


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