Here’s Journal Club 08-11-23! Every week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After filtering through the articles on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this week. Be safe and stay well!

  • Surely you’ve noticed the stock market’s exceptional performance in 2023 so far. Despite the turbulent environment, the stock market continues to appear resilient. What do you think is contributing to its continued growth? Per the Physician on FIRE, there are several factors responsible for the market’s upward trajectory, and the author shares more about it in the article – Why Has the Stock Market Been So Resilient in 2023?
  • The fear of not having sufficient money is real; this feeling often interferes with our progress and makes us tolerate miserable situations. So, is there a way to break free from this mindset that holds us back? Per the author of The Fioneers, the key to overcoming this scarcity mindset is by defining your “enough number.” By doing so, you can utilize your money as a tool to live a fulfilling life and create a positive impact. Curious to learn how you could make this happen? The author shares more in the post – It’s Time to Figure Out Your Enough Number.
  • Evaluating an investment’s performance by benchmarking it against indices such as S&P 500 may not be the best approach. So, how do you accurately assess an investment’s success? According to the author of A Wealth of Common Sense, investors should focus on their long-term objectives rather than short-term market trends and aim to balance risk versus returns based on their risk tolerance, asset diversification, and financial goals. Further, the author shares key pointers for tracking financial yield in the article – How Should You Judge Your Investment Performance?
  • Ever wonder why we pursue financial independence? You could list a whole bunch of reasons, and many would argue that the most important benefit lies in the term itself – “Freedom!” The freedom to make choices based on personal fulfillment rather than financial necessity. It’s an undeniably and incredibly powerful feeling, would you agree? The One Frugal Girl makes this fascinating observation and shares how attaining this financial milestone allowed her to follow her passion for discovering the right career fit over monetary gains in the post – Following My Heart Instead of the Money.

Read any interesting articles? We’d love it if you could please take a moment to share them in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and sharing,


Disclaimer: The topic presented in this article is provided as general information and for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking action, consult with your team of professionals.


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