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Litmus Live is in full swing and we are loving it. With sessions from 36 industry thought leaders and over 6,000 attendees, this may be our best conference yet.

If you're not familiar, Litmus Live is an annual email conference dedicated to all things email. This year's event puts lifecycle marketing in the spotlight – and it's where some of the email industry's brightest minds gather each year to gain insights, gather inspiration and network with fellow email geeks.

We compile the most important insights and feedback from each session directly in this article. Stop by each day to watch and secure your spot for the rest of the conference if you haven't already.

Also, a big thank you to our incredible sponsors: Oracle, Salesforce, Constant Contact, OneSignal, ZeroBounce.

Litmus Live Day 1 Recap – October 28, 2024

This is my first Litmus Live and all I can say is: wow! The speakers on the first day were awesome. While I was taking notes for this summary, I picked up even more and can't wait to read through it again and watch another session or two.

This highlight video perfectly sums up the energy and excitement of the day.

Return on Real: A New Model for the Modern Marketer

The incredible Ann Handley Litmus Live opened with a keynote on the topic of modern marketing. Highlights:

  • Ann wore an Evermore (Wednesday Adams) uniform. that was absolute perfection.
  • A staggering 58% of marketers consider their content strategy to be “moderately” effective.
  • RoR means Return on Real. 95% of buyers are not actively in the market, so you need to make meaningful (i.e. real) connections with them until they are.

Creating remarkable email experiences: 20 years of insights and examples

Oracle's Chad S. White shared the tactics for creating remarkable emails from 20 years of email marketing. Takeaways include:

  • A great overview of the hierarchy of subscriber needs.
  • 20 email examples from the last 20 years.
  • In 2011, Helzberg Diamonds created 60,000 animated GIFs so that they had one for every unique name on their subscriber list. 🤯

Live email optimization

Everyone's favorite session returned with a bang! Litmus' own Carin Slater And Angie Weyman worked on optimizing four different emails.

  • Always add your ALT text. ALT text is still important, especially for Email accessibility.
  • The goals of emails are different! Don't assume that you should monitor the same metrics for both.
  • 40% of emails are viewed in dark mode. Therefore, proper optimization is more important than ever.

Three comments from the live optimization session at Litmus Live

Basics of Online Marketing Success: Review-Plan-Implement

Dave Charest walked us through yoga-inspired tips to ignite word of mouth, increase productivity, and create a successful online marketing strategy.

  • Engagement marketing is when you provide a “wow” experience with every customer contact.
  • Mobile responsive homepages should answer four questions immediately:
    • What is that?
    • Who is it for?
    • So what?
    • What should they do next?
  • Consistent marketing is the key to changing your company.

Well said, Dave!

Decoding Churn: Subscription Retention Strategies

Anna Levitin shared with us how to decode churn and increase customer retention by repurposing B2C tactics for B2B. We particularly liked these key findings:

  • Churn = [lost customers/customers at the beginning of the month] x100
  • Choose long-term over short-term loyalty goals
    • Short term: instant gratification, special offers, customer loyalty.
    • Long term: community building, individualization and flexibility, added value benefits.

A comment on Anna Levitin's session at Litmus Live

Advanced Interactive Coding: Building a Product Rec Engine

Email geeks couldn't stop talking about it Zac Eckstein's session on planning and coding an advanced interactive email concept. Notable takeaways:

  • Zac walked us through programming an interactive module and gave great tips and tricks along the way.
  • Apple, Yahoo,, Samsung and AOL inboxes provide good coverage for interactive email. Gmail and Outlook on Windows are not fully supported.
  • Interactive emails reduce click-through rates slightly (by 10-20%) but increase conversion rates by the same amount.

Conversation between a participant and Zac Eckstein about his Litmus Live session.

4 Steps to Write Emails Worth Sending (And Be Completely Ruthless About It)

Copywriting + humor = Lianna Patch. She walked us through her best tips for writing to REAL readers and editing your email copy from structure to word level. Takeaways include:

  • Use VoC (Voice of the Customer) Data to really get to know the audience you are writing for.
  • Broad → Structure → Specific: Work on one area at a time, working from rough to detailed.
  • Consider testing the “Call to Values.” rather than a “call to action.”

Two comments from Lianna Patch's copywriting session at Litmus Live.

The Future of Email: AI, Automation, and Lifecycle Marketing

This panel is not to be missed! Cynthia Price, Chad S White, Lauren MeyerAnd Drew Price explored the latest trends and innovations shaping the next generation of email marketing. Highlights include:

  • Over time, brands that focus on managing quality and frequency at scale will gain more engaged subscribers because they have built stronger relationships.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be viewed as a young assistant who can help with ideas but isn't ready to take over completely.
  • Chad S. White predicts this AI-powered brand guidelines will be common in the future.

Two comments from the expert panel on the future of email.

There were relaxed conversations

We've heard of Dozens of participants in the Litmus Live Slack channel. Conversations included how we got started with email marketing, email personalization tips, synergies between content and the marketing team, and even book recommendations.

And that's a wrap for Day 1 of Litmus Live! Day 2 begins on Tuesday, October 29th at 9am ET with a live panel with our sponsors.

It's not too late to secure your spot

Join your email geeks for the rest of Litmus Live and get access to recordings of all the sessions you missed (or want to rewatch).

Register now

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