The acquisition of SEMrush strengthens the value of its own media

Apparently, Semrush has taken note of CMI's advice that the best way to launch a content marketing platform is to purchase one. The search engine...

5 brilliant ideas to help your content and marketing shine in 2025

A spark can ignite a creative fire. A spark can brighten a moment. Last week, I watched glimmers of light develop into radiance on the faces...

3 Disruptions That Will Shape Your Content and Marketing Strategy in 2025

Introducing our latest content marketing research, CMI's Stephanie Stahl wrote: “While many Despite simply treading water, a group of top performers have found a...

Content Score: So bewerten Sie die Leistung

Allgemein anerkannte Wahrheit: Gute Inhalte sind eine der effektivsten Möglichkeiten, die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Zielgruppe zu gewinnen und zu halten. Durch Untersuchungen bestätigte Wahrheit: Die Hälfte...

Harness the valuable friction between creativity and technology

At the start of Content Marketing World 2024 today, I'm sharing my opening remarks on the current status and future direction of our popular...

6 Ideen für episches Audio- und Video-Storytelling [Examples]

„Lass mich dir eine Geschichte erzählen …“ Diese sechs einfachen Worte erregen Aufmerksamkeit. Sie wecken die Erwartung, dass sich bald eine lohnenswerte Erfahrung entfalten wird. Mit...

How Travel Oregon's content strategy resulted in over $50 million in economic impact

When Mo Sherifdeen joined Travel Oregon 19 years ago, he was the first person hired to work on the website. His duties as a web...

Why you need to care enough to send the best in B2B marketing

Imagine it's the end of 2024. Oh wait, that's it. How the time flies. As you plan your marketing strategy for 2025, think about the...

B2B Content Marketing Trends 2025 [Research]

Tell me something, marketers. Are you satisfied with the state of B2B content marketing? According to 980 of you, the answer is likely “no,” given...

How IBM uses data to drive an account-based marketing strategy

My neighbor was a mathematics professor at a college in San Francisco. He once told me, “The longest route between two points is through...
