One of the most popular ways to get extra income online and let people know about your business and products is through affiliate marketing. It’s one of those forms of marketing that is loved by marketers. In order to increase success in affiliate marketing, conversion is very important. Because of this, you need to actively interact with your visitors in order to buy products through your affiliate links. The earning potential of affiliate marketing is huge as long as you are willing to invest the tough yards to hone your affiliate marketing strategies. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer is about working smart, not hard.

One of the main reasons marketers love affiliate marketing is that it is very easy to measure. Maybe that’s why a lot of money is spent on it. Did you know that spending is expected until 2020 Reach $ 6.8 billionwhat is a large number?

More investments in affiliate marketing mean an increased workload and also an increased need for affiliate marketing tools and software solutions. So, if you really want to make money from the affiliate marketing game, you undoubtedly need the right affiliate marketing tools to optimize different offers on multiple platforms. But before I give you a list of affiliate marketing tools, I want to present a few statistics.

Some facts about affiliate marketing:

  • 81% of brands and 84% of publishers Harness the power of affiliate marketing, a statistic that will continue to grow as affiliate marketing spending in the US increases every year.
  • Jason Stone’s affiliate marketing, also known as Millionaire Mentor, was responsible for retail sales of around $ 7 million in retail sales in June and July 2017 alone.

Now let’s look at some tools that will guarantee your affiliate marketing success.

1) AnyTrack

AnyTrack is an affiliate marketing tool that enables marketers to track and sync conversions from any affiliate network using Google Analytics and the Facebook pixel.

As an affiliate marketer, measuring your success as well as your failure is key to improving the performance of your marketing campaign. Whether you prefer Google Ads, SEO, or even Facebook, tracking your conversion data using analytics tools will give you the actionable insights you need to optimize and scale your campaigns.

AnyTrack TAG is a single line of code that fully automates data collection and syncs data across your martech stack with no code or complicated setup.

2) wanted

Voluum is an ad tracking platform specially designed for affiliate marketers.

You can use Voluum to track all of your advertising campaigns, analyze data and optimize your ad performance.

Voluum is an affiliate marketing tool that works with almost all advertising traffic sources and comes with pre-built templates for the following platforms and other features.

3) AdSanity

AdSanity is a light advertising rotator plugin for WordPress. It enables the marketer to create and manage ads displayed on a website and to keep statistics on views and clicks.

Some features of AdSanity are-

  • The WordPress dashboard allows you to add and manage local images, link ads, or external network ads.
  • You can set publication and end dates for ads, as well as create and manage ad groups.
  • Using sidebar widgets, you can add ads or ad groups to the sidebar.
  • You can also monitor the views and clicks of your ads.

4) AdThrive

There are many affiliate marketers who are choosing to have Google AdSense on their websites, which allows you to set up ad units that other websites can pay for.

AdThrive syncs and works with your team to optimize your ads for improved performance. To understand the advertisers who are ready to get the best performance from your website, you need to dig deep into your analytics.

As a result, you can count on higher click-through rates on your ads that will help you generate more revenue.

5) Share ASale

ShareASale is an effective affiliate marketing tool that allows merchants and affiliates to connect, meet and do business. Their state-of-the-art technology makes it easy for customers to use.

ShareASale was acquired by Awin in 2017. This takeover brought him international engagement. With the help of this tool, you can make the most of your resources and excel in affiliate marketing.


If you are planning on spending time in affiliate marketing make sure that you are doing your best.

The competition in affiliate marketing is huge, so take the help of these tools to give your endeavors a head start. With the integration of these affiliate marketing tools, your affiliate marketing will be more effective than ever.

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Chandrima Samanta
Content editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a content management executive with a flair for creating quality content regardless of genre. She believes in creating stories regardless of genre and putting them into creative form. Before joining MartechCube, she was a business analyst at Capgemini.


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